You are currently viewing VBS Registration 暑期聖經營報名表

VBS Registration 暑期聖經營報名表


Dear Parents,GCAC will hold our 6+1 weeks Summer VBS by online Face to Face Learning for 2020. We will have Bible Stories, Singspiration, Academic Learning, Art and Craft, and other special activities to create a meaningful summer for the children. All the materials needed will be packaged and home-delivered to you. Please fill out the registration form clearly below for us. Thank you for you time and support!

Contact :  Xin Yu 

Date 日期: 7/6-8/14/2020

8/17-8/21/2020 (Free免費)
Time 時間: 10:00a.m. – 11:30a.m. & 1:30p.m. – 3:30p.m.
(Monday – Friday 週一至週五)
Tuition 學費: $400
Registration Fee 註冊費: $50
Early Bird Discount提早注册减免: $50